
Literature and Lattes


book gush

Spoiler-filled Gush: A Torch Against the Night (by Sabaa Tahir)


I have a lot of things to discuss about this book (because I loved it) so this is my spoiler-filled gush about it. As always, I urge you to only read this gush if you have read A Torch Against the Night, since you will most definitely be spoiled for it if you haven’t. So if you have yet to read it, I have a spoil-free review up that you can check out right here. I gave the book a 4.75 out of 5 stars.

As for those of you who have read it, time to discuss!


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Crooked Kingdom Gush (with spoilers)


Ok so as the title says, this Gush WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS. If you have not read Crooked Kingdom, I have a non-spoiler review that I will link right here.


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Six of Crows Gush


If you didn’t know, Six of Crows has become one of my favorite (if not my #1 favorite) YA fantasy novel I’ve ever read. You can read my original review here.

I read it a few months back (I think it was in May) and ever since then I haven’t stopped thinking about it.

The other day I pre-ordered the second (and sadly the last) book in the series/duology, and as I was doing that I realized just how much I missed this story, even though it’s only been 3 months. So I decided to put the other books I’m currently reading on hold and dive back in.

My thoughts after re-reading it? All I can really say is I think I love this story even more than I did the first time, although I’d have never thought that could be possible.

The characters in this book are truly phenomenal. I could read dozens of books about them doing pretty much anything, whether it be completing an impossible heist (what they do in Six of Crows), running around killing people, or simply just eating waffles. They are all so unique and interesting, I’m sure they’d make the book wonderful no matter what the plot was.

But lucky for us, the plot in this book is every bit as amazing as the characters. Like I said in my original review, this book gives me serious Pirates of the Caribbean vibes.

I’m so obsessed with this book (if you couldn’t tell) and I’ll probably read it again before the second one comes out (at the end of September). I know. I’m insane.

If you haven’t read this book yet, you really really need to.

I gave this book 4.75 stars originally, but I’m changing that to 5 because I have absolutely no complaints with it.

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